
  • Cutting Costs: Money-saving tips for every African Founder
    The year is 2024. A Nigerian company, unable to renew their Slack Pro subscription for its fully remote team, has downgraded to the basic plan. Employees wake up and cannot send Slack messages because of the new limits. Work suffers and it is more dismal when you remember that sales were low that month, especially…
  • A Fun Guide to Remote Productivity
    Welcome to the era of pajama-clad professionals, where the commute is from bed to the home office, and the water cooler chats happen in Slack threads. Working from home is the new normal, and while the allure of flexible schedules is undeniable, mastering the art of productivity in the realm of the home can be…
  • How to Enjoy Your Day Off in a Workplace That Lacks Boundaries
    Picture this: It’s finally your day off! The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and you can practically feel the freedom in the air. But wait, there’s a catch. You work in a place where boundaries go on a vacation, leaving you with a work-life imbalance that could rival the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Don’t…
  • 5 Remote Team-Bonding Activities to Supercharge Your Workplace Dynamics
      Working from home has become the new norm for many of us, and while it has its perks (goodbye, traffic jams!), it can sometimes feel a bit lonely and disconnected from our colleagues. But fear not, my fellow remote workers, because we’ve got just the thing to inject some much-needed fun and camaraderie into…
  • Making Remote Onboarding more comfortable for New Employees
    As many of you know, hiring new employees and bringing them onboard is an important part of growing a successful business. But with so many of us working remotely these days, it can be tough to make sure that our new team members feel comfortable and connected right from the start. That’s why we wanted…